CBECC Title-24 Compliance Software

The California Utility Allowance Calculator (CUAC) is California’s energy use model for calculating utility estimates. The tool provides an estimate of what tenants will pay for utilities and is typically more accurate than a public housing authority utility allowance schedule.


    Click here to download and install CBECC 2022.3.1 (Google Drive)

    CBECC-CUAC 2022.3.1 has been approved by the California Energy Commission and can be used to show compliance with Title-24 2022 Standards.

  2. DOWNLOAD/INSTALL CBECC-CUAC version 2022.3.0 SP2

    Click here to download and install CBECC-CUAC version 2022.3.0 SP2   (Utility tariffs were dated 12/18/23)

    CBECC-CUAC 2022.3.0 SP2 User Guide

    CBECC-CUAC 2022.3.0 SP2 has been approved by the California Energy Commission and can be used to show compliance with Title-24 2022 Standards.

  3. CBECC-CUAC Beta Demonstration Video

    Right-click here to download demo